Open Collective
Open Collective is an online platform that allows projects and collectives to transparently share financial contributions and expenses.

Through Open Collective, Koinonia Mutual Aid has what's called a "fiscal host." A fiscal host is a legal company or individual who holds a Collective’s funds in their bank account and can generate invoices and receipts for supporters and sponsors. You can think of a fiscal host as an umbrella organization for the Collectives in it.
Koinonia Mutual Aid's fiscal host is currently Open Collective Foundation, a 501c3 entity.

Funds will be accepted from individuals, organizations, faith communities, foundations and more.
All who wish to contribute are supporting Black/African/African-American, Indigenous, Latino/a/é, Asian/Asian -American, Pacific Islander, Middle Eastern, LGBTQIA+, and those with disabilities in need of financial assistance.
Those who support Koinonia Mutual Aid via Open Collective have the option to have
their information made public, or anonymous. A percentage will go toward Open Source Collective to support the administrative tasks.
Support Koinonia through our
Open Collective site here.

Expenses Covered

Living expenses (i.e. food, rent, gas, utilities)

Wage support for days in need for: mental health, menstruation, sick, grief, trauma

Out-of-pocket health + wellness expenses (i.e. therapy, hormones, spiritual direction, hospital, fitness)

Legal fees reimbursement (i.e. retainer, court fees, filing fees)

Personal/professional development expenses (i.e. seminars, retreats, books)

Translation services

Travel expense reimbursement (i.e. flight, car rental, hotel)

Spiritual practices support (i.e. yoga, art supplies, music lessons)

Transportation + Auto care

Other fees not listed here
Expenses go through a two-step approval process:
A core contributor (admin) of Koinonia Mutual Aid's Open Collective site confirms that the expense is a valid use of funds for their project.
Then the host admin confirms that the expense meets requirements (such as having a valid receipt).
Then the expense can be paid out.

Right now, Open Collective only supports PayPal and TransferWise for one-click payouts through the platform.
We can manually record any money that you receive or send outside of the Open Collective platform (e.g. bank transfer, cryptocurrency, cash, etc). In the future, Open Collective hopes to build other payout methods into the platform.
Our Open Collective profile is run by a set of "admins".
An admin is someone who creates and/or manage the our Open Collective profile. They have rights to edit the settings of the Organization, set up financial contributions to Collectives, and approve expenses, among other things.
There isn't any one person who is the designated admin. If you'd like to be an admin of our Open Collective site, email us at info@koinoniamutualaid.com!
Because Koinonia Mutual Aid has a "fiscal host" that has a 501c3 status, all contributions are tax-deductible.